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project management system
my contributions
User Interface Design
front-end development
user interaction design
/ completed year 2015
Diadeis is one of the top global pre media agencies. The company offers a comprehensive range of design variation, prepress and brand lifecycle technology services.
I got to work on their Project Management application, allowing the team to create, monitor, and update project statuses.

the challenge

The hardest part was figuring out how to put all the necessary information in one place while making it easy for the team.

/ took first step

the approach

Successfully collaborated with the client, providing valuable insights by thoroughly understanding project flows, which facilitated the design of effective wireframes.

/ after first initiative

Journey Began

I took on the website's theme and began crafting a user interface based on the provided wireframes.

I tailored the design to meet screen requirements ranging from laptops (1366 x 768) to larger displays. Crafted hand-coded HTML with a focus on implementing optimal user interactions.

/ 01

Job from scratch

The initial step involved creating a new project by entering essential information, enabling seamless collaboration among team members.
Diadeis Job From Scratch - UI Design
Diadeis Job From Scratch - UI Design

/ 02

View the list

Within this system, the team has the capability to view a comprehensive list of all projects, search for specific projects using defined criteria, and effortlessly modify project information as needed.
Diadeis View Estimate List - UI Design
Diadeis View Estimate List - UI Design

/ 03

View and update the task

Here, the team can easily access a detailed view of tasks along with their current status. Additionally, they have the ability to modify multiple project tasks simultaneously.
Diadeis View Task List - UI Design
Diadeis View Task List - UI Design
Diadeis View Task List - UI Design
Diadeis View Task List - UI Design

/ 04

turn into production

After completing all the essential tasks, the team can initiate the project for production by supplementing it with additional information.
Diadeis Turn Estimate List - UI Design


i used
for design
Adobe Photoshop
for development
Bootstrap framework 3.3.5

/ In the end

Successfully delivered the entire system promptly. It was a collaborative journey where I shared my knowledge and gained insights from the client, enhancing my ability to tackle similar projects in the future.

Image Title
Create a Client

Image Title
Pre Invoice Listing

Image Title
Estimate Listing